Friday, February 21, 2014

Investigating Life Cycles

Children have curious minds and need to further explore all the questions that come to their minds. It is important to provide the children with a chance to investigate the questions that pop into their minds. When it comes to the big idea of a life cycle, the children might pose questions such as what stages a pumpkin goes through or how a pumpkin becomes a pumpkin?

The children can plant their own pumpkins starting with a seed. With this, the children can physically see how a pumpkin goes from the tiny seed into a big vegetable. The children may have the opportunity to communicate and record results and finds after constructing things either individually or in groups within the science and technology curriculum learning area (Ministry of Ontario, 2010, p. 119). The children can see what is occurring during the life cycle process as their seed grows into a flower and then to a pumpkin. They can document each step and communicate their findings with each other or on their own.

Children might also pose questions such as how tall is a pumpkin or does the size of a pumpkin determine the amount of seeds that come inside. This is where mathematics would come in to place. In the mathematics curriculum learning area, the children may sort, classify, and compare objects and describe the attributes used when grouping the size of the seeds (Ministry of Ontario, 2010, p. 110). The children can have the experience of taking out the seeds from the pumpkin and sorting them by size while also counting how many were inside.

With mathematics the children can also measure the width and height of different sized pumpkins. They can compare the results found and communicate their thoughts on what they discovered. Within the mathematics curriculum learning area, they children may compare and order two or more objects according to an appropriate measure such as height and weight of the pumpkins (Ministry of Ontario, 2010, p. 102). The children may come up with predictions and questions on why some pumpkins grew larger than others and why some pumpkins were tiny. It is with these questions that can lead the investigation further into the life cycle process. They can plant their own pumpkin seeds and use different techniques such as fertilizer or more sunlight.

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